Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Real Estate Broker

3 Tips For Setting Yourself Apart From Other Real Estate Agents In Your Area

Regardless of where you live, there are likely at least a few other real estate agents in your area that you’re always fighting for business with. When you live in a larger area, there are likely going to be even more real estate agents that you’ll have to compete with in order to get enough clients for yourself. So when you have all this competition around you, it’s vital that you know some ways that you can get a leg up on them and have more people coming to you for your services and expertise.

To help you with this, here are three tips for setting yourself apart from other real estate agents in your area. 

Learn More About Your Competition

Before you can start taking steps to set yourself apart, you first have to learn what your competitors are doing. Otherwise, your steps to be unique might actually prove to not be so unique. 

To help you determine this, ask yourself some questions about how you compare to other real estate agents in your area. Are you better at something specific? Do you get more of a specific type of client? All of this information will help you better pinpoint your own value proposition and help you position yourself as someone with something unique to offer clients. 

Start Putting Out More Content

There are likely always people moving into the area where you’re working as a real estate agent. And when people are new to an area, what they really want is basic information about their new home and neighborhood. And as a real estate agent, you can give them this by putting out more content. 

While you can write blog content, something that might prove to better set you apart from your competition is to start your own video channel, podcast, or radio show where you can give out information while also showcasing your personality. This can help people to feel like they’re really able to get to know you and learn to trust you with their all-important housing decisions. 

Let Your Personality Shine

Whatever it is that you choose to do for marketing your real estate business, the one thing you’ll want to be sure you focus on is letting your personality shine through. With billboards, posters, social media interactions, radio ads, blogs, videos, and so much more, it’s really content that has a personality that cuts through all the rest of the noise. So regardless of what your specific personality traits are if you can really play those up by just being yourself, you’re bound to set yourself apart from everyone else. 

If you’re needing to find some ways to stand out from the crowd of other real estate agents working in your area, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you in doing this.