Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Living in a new environment

3 Tips For Getting Your Bearings Quickly When In A New Environment

In life, there are going to be all kinds of new environments that you’re going to find yourself in and need to become familiar with. For kids, this could be starting at a new school. For young adults, this could be visiting a new country. For older adults, this could be starting a new career. And for senior citizens, this could include moving into an assisted living facility. But whatever it is and wherever you go, there are things that you can do to help you figure out your surroundings and make the most of your situation.

To help you see how this can be done, here are three tips for getting your bearings quickly when in a new environment. 

Accept That You Might Feel Lost

In the beginning of being in a new environment, it’s normal and natural to feel a little lost. And while you might want to fight against this, it’s actually best to accept this so that you can work with your lost feelings and learn how to overcome them.

If you focus too much on the fact that you’re feeling lost and out of place in this new environment, those feelings and emotions can quickly take over all other feelings, leaving you paralyzed mentally. But once you accept that you’re feeling lost, you can begin to get curious about ways that you can solve this problem and start getting more familiar with your surroundings. 

Introduce Yourself A Lot

One of the best ways to stop having people look at you like you’re new to the environment is to make an effort to introduce yourself. Once people have been introduced to you and you try to make a real connection with them, the newness of you will wear off and you’ll start to feel like you belong in this place. While this can be annoying after a while, it will also be well worth it. 

Talk With People Who Are More Experienced

In any new environment, there are going to be some tips and tricks that can help you feel better acclimated to your environment. So to help you learn these tips and tricks as quickly as you can, try to find someone who’s experienced with this environment and treat them like your mentor. If you have questions about things, come to them. If you feel comfortable, ask them for some advice on how to mesh well with the place and the people that you find yourself surrounded by now. This information can go a long way toward helping you become an old pro soon enough. 

If you want some help in getting your bearings when in a new environment, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you in doing this.