Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

3 PMA Techniques that You Can Use Right Now

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A positive mental attitude is vital for success in anything. Unless you have a sustained focus on clear goals and how you are going to achieve them, you never will. PMA techniques can help you on your journey but there are three things you need to do first:

  • Clear everything
  • Embrace the Law of Attraction
  • Do not fear failure

Ridding oneself of physical, emotional, and mental garbage clears the path to lay the foundation of success while embracing the law of attraction will allow you to begin to build. Also, it is absolutely vital that you do not fear failure as focusing on what you cannot do rather than what you can is a recipe for disaster.

Cleanse Your Environment and Your Mind

Before anything can be built, a foundation must first be laid. In order to lay a foundation, it is necessary to clear an area first and this can be both physically and psychically. For example, you might find it useful to clear out an area of your home that you want to use as an office or work area (many dumpster rentals can help with this) so that you can create a comfortable and safe space for your work.

Emotional clearance is a little different. We all have things that bring us down such as doubts, fears, worries, and stress but learning to control these so that they don’t control you is essential for any kind of positive productivity. 

Natural methods of shedding psychic baggage might involve nature, meditation, or self-discovery. Walking in your favorite park or sitting in the garden can be a great stress reliever while different wise men from all over the world have developed special techniques of meditation that can easily be used by anyone such as guided meditation

Self-discovery is a little different but can involve visiting somewhere you have always felt drawn to, trying activities you feel you might be good at, or writing your diary. All of these methods help release excess negativity by recognizing that it is there and embracing it as a part of yourself in order to replace it with focused positivity.

Use The Secret

You might have heard of the law of attraction which was made popular by the bestselling book The Secret. While the actual premise of whether the law of attraction is real or not, many very successful people including Albert Einstein, Henry Ford, and Andrew Carnegie believed that their continued success came directly from this principle.

The basic principle of it is this; we attract that of which we focus. So, continuously focusing on positive results will yield positive results while focusing on the negative will inevitably bring the negative.

However, for the law of attraction to work, you need a greatly focused and specific vision of what you really want. Focus only on the positive aspects of your needs and only the positive, as contemplating what might go wrong will inevitably make something go wrong. Some guy named Murphy said that.

Learn from Experience

Any successful person will tell you that failure is an intrinsic part of success. Failure is needed to guide us where we need to be and what we should ultimately focus our attention upon. Sometimes we do not know where we are headed until our failures, or a better term, “experiences” guide us.

One of the greatest inventors in history, Thomas Edison said this:

 “I have not failed 10,000 times, I have not failed once. I have succeeded in proving that those 10,000 ways will not work”.

You will be hard pushed to find a better explanation of how to use past experiences that didn’t work out the way you wanted them to. Embrace them and learn from them as they can all culminate in developing a new path, one that will lead you to where you want to be.