Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Category: Real Estate

  • Remodeling 101: Tips on How to Prepare for a Major Home Remodeling Project

    Remodeling 101: Tips on How to Prepare for a Major Home Remodeling Project

    Every remodeling project, the size notwithstanding, is aimed at achieving a specific objective. Sometimes all that motivates a homeowner is to customize the house to meet their personality, lifestyle, or taste. Sometimes you are improving the house safety in preparation for the arrival of the baby. For those planning to resell their homes, a major…

  • Fires in Hawaii and Yellowknife teach us not to put all our money in Real Estate

    Fires in Hawaii and Yellowknife teach us not to put all our money in Real Estate

    People often say that real estate is the safest business there is; real estate only goes up, and so on, but as we can see from recent catastrophes in Hawaii (US) and Yellowknife (Canada), a fire or a flood can take it all away. In addition, most real estate properties are heavily leveraged, which means…

  • Investing in a negative cash flow property vs the stock market

    Investing in a negative cash flow property vs the stock market

    Investment conversation between one of my friends and me. Let’s call my friend John. John: I bought a rental property. Me: Congratulations! Is it cash flow positive? John: No, you can’t find a cash flow positive property in Montreal. I don’t understand people’s attraction towards real estate. We are willing to invest in a negative…

  • Should You Invest In Real Estate?

    Should You Invest In Real Estate?

    One of the most common investments that people make is buying their own residence. If the amount that you would pay in rent and the amount that you would pay in the mortgage is about the same, and if you are planning to stay at the same place for more than 5 years, then buying…

  • The Tax Implications of Using a Home Equity Line of Credit

    The Tax Implications of Using a Home Equity Line of Credit

    A home equity line of credit (HELOC) is a popular financing option among homeowners looking to access home equity for various purposes. With a HELOC, homeowners can borrow up to a certain amount over a set period, known as the draw period, typically ranging from five to ten years. If you’re a Utah homeowner considering…

  • Upgrading Your Commercial Building: 14 Ideas to Consider

    Upgrading Your Commercial Building: 14 Ideas to Consider

    It is essential for you, as the owner of a business building, to ensure that your property is always up to date with the most recent enhancements and renovations. Take into consideration the following suggestions: Improvements in energy efficiency You may cut your building’s running expenses and save money by making it more energy efficient.…