Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Month: July 2017

  • Trends in the US Economy

    Differences between the Canadian and US economy I rather focus my attention on the US economy than on the Canadian economy. I see the Canadian economy as a huge gas station for the US and a huge ATM machine. The biggest drivers of the Canadian economy are the oil companies and banks. You take those…

  • Global diversification, not always a panacea

    For years I have been promoting the advantages of global diversification. My recommended portfolio Generally, I recommend a portfolio of ⅓ Canadian, ⅓ US, and ⅓ international stocks. I claim that different countries run at different economic cycles, this means that as some countries’ economies are growing other countries’ economies are shrinking. Avoiding home bias…

  • Investing is like cooking, here is my favorite recipe

    There are a lot of similarities between investing and cooking a meal. Just like every meal should be cooked according to the taste of the person eating it, investing should be done according to the risk profile of each investor. So what are the ingredients? The principal ingredients are: Low-cost ETF, preferably from Vanguard (the…

  • How to use other people’s money to invest in stocks and real estate

    I have used other people’s money in real estate and in the stock market. Other people’s money has catapulted me out of economic stagnation. Real Estate Five years ago I heard about a website called Airbnb where people can rent their property to tourists and earn more than if they rented their properties to regular…