Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

110 Samantha Kris; Bossing up

Samantha Kris is an international success coach, best-selling author, and award-winning speaker. She has been recognized as one of the Top Women CEO’s and can regularly be seen on Breakfast Television.

Her journey started quite early in her life. When she was a little girl, one of her friends was murdered. This unfortunate event created a passion for justice and a desire to help criminals rehabilitate themselves so that they would go out in the world to commit more crimes.

Samantha became a correctional counselor at age 19, but she soon found out that she didn’t have the skill to hold on to her position for long. She was not able to separate work from her day to day life, and thus creating a breakdown in her general happiness.

Eventually, a friend suggested she should go into event planning. She took the challenge and she did it for about 4 years.

Samantha emailed every event planner in the city of Montreal and offered to work for FREE. This action shows her courage and determination to succeed in a new field. She was not entitled. She did not expect to have a management position right from the start. She was willing to start from the bottom of the ladder and slowly climb her way up.

Then she got an opportunity to work for a tech company in an event marketing position, she didn’t hesitate twice before making the jump. She ended up working in event planning marketing for the following 10 years.

During her corporate years, Samantha earned five promotions in five years and doubled her salary.

Eventually, Samatha decided to get more involved in the growth of corporations and individuals, on a campaign by campaign sense, but on a more holistic level, from A to Z. This train of thought let Samantha start her own coaching business.

I fear boredom more than I fear failure

Samantha believes so strongly in coaching as a service, that she herself uses several coaches. She has a podcasting coach, a life coach, a speaking coach, a business coach, etc. A coach can keep us accountable and push us to the next level.

Samantha has started a speaking career. Here is her TED talk speech.

She also became an author. Here is her book Bossing Up

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