036 Christian Knudsen, conquering LinkedIn

Christian speaking at a LinkedIn Local MontrealChristian has a strong background in Sales and technology.
  • LinkedIn has transformed his career.
  • LinkedIn is a lot more than a platform to look for jobs.
  • LinkedIn is a platform for enablement, it’s a place where users build their personal brand.
  • LinkedIn is different from the other social media platforms because it’s the platform business people used to share their thoughts and activities.
  • Christian has increased his LinkedIn following from 100 followers to 26,000 in less than one year.
  • The best way to increase your influence is by having constant interaction in the platform.
  • To be influential, It has very little to do with an official job title a person has in an organization and more to do with the value of the content they put out there. If a person puts valuable information, they will have followers and increase their level of influence.
LinkedIn Basics
  1. Fill out the summary section
  2. Put a professional-looking image of yourself
  3. Ad your location
  4. Include your education
  5. Specify your industry
  6. List your skills

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